Learning Outdoors — Even in Winter

Tamarack Waldorf School is catching attention of their local radio and television news stations as the weather grows colder in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 620 WTMJ and CBS58 interviewed school teachers about the large amount of outdoor time for students both at play and for more formal learning.

School officials hired an environmental educator to expand the curriculum to include more outdoor engagement.

“The natural environment is very therapeutic,” says fifth grade teacher, Kimberly Bair. “So many of our learners find being outdoors even more focused and calming and grounded. There’s an opportunity for movement. And for the younger child, they need to move to develop properly — they need to be active.”

Fourth grade teacher, Melissa Carpenter, also sees how being outside increases problem solving: “Kids have grown to be really resourceful. Sometimes they have a field space that doesn’t really have swings or slides so, I’ve noticed kids becoming really creative in the things that they’re choosing to play. I’ve noticed them problem solving a lot more; working through social issues in a pretty harmonious and self directed way.” 

Listen, read, and watch the stories at 620 WTMJ and CBS58.

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