

Understanding Deeper Developmental Needs in Children

Understanding Deeper Developmental Needs in Children

When: 10/11/2024  4:30pm -     Mountain Time

Where: Online

Sponsoring Organization: Denver Center for Anthroposophic Therapies

an online course for Waldorf teachers, anthroposophic physicians and therapists

A new two-year course will run from October 2024 to March 2026

This set of online sessions, designed for Waldorf school teachers and anthroposophic therapists and doctors, will draw from Dr. Blanning’s book, Understanding Deeper Developmental Needs. These online workshops assume that participants already have foundational knowledge of anthroposophic concepts and vocabulary (it is not intended as an introductory course). The course has developed out of specific requests from groups of teachers in many countries who have been working closely with the material.

The main focus of the course is developing greater capacities for child observation while also learning about important developmental patterns and rhythms of childhood. It provides a pathway understanding and providing practical support for the children we work with in the world.

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