

The Power and Science of Rhythms: How They Support our Health and Vitality

The Power and Science of Rhythms: How They Support our Health and Vitality

When: 12/04/2024  8:30pm - 12/04/2024  9:45pm  Eastern Time

Where: Virtual/Online

Sponsoring Organization: WECAN

Today, when so many people are struggling with fatigue, overwhelm and burnout, the wise advice “rhythm replaces strength” holds great help! Rudolf Steiner shared this insight more than 100 years ago—we will see how modern research about sleep, temperature, activity, and even your microbiome, show how rhythms lie behind so many parts of our physiology and are vital for good health (in both children and adults).​

Adam Blanning, M.D., practices anthroposophic medicine in Denver, CO, and works closely with children, families, and schools to support healthy development on  physical, social, sensory, and spiritual levels. Dr. Blanning teaches nationally and internationally as a co-leader of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Switzerland. He is the author of Raising Sound Sleepers: Helping Children Use their Senses to Rest and Self-soothe.

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