

Come play with us! An evening of delightful developmental movement and music

Come play with us! An evening of delightful developmental movement and music

When: 11/13/2024  8:30pm - 11/13/2024  9:45pm  Eastern Time

Where: Virtural/Online

Sponsoring Organization: WECAN

Young children love to play and move, especially in nature.  We’ll share games from Gnomes and Giants, Pixies and Elves, offering a joyful rich movement, speech, and singing experience for you and your children. After spending her life observing nature, Wilma Ellersiek created special movement and hand gesture games for children that celebrate the elemental beings they feel so connected to.  With movement being the child’s first language, these little plays provide a strong foundation for life-long learning through a rich sensory experience.  

Lynn St Pierre and Somer Serpe invite you to come and learn some of these magical games that are so beloved by the children.

Lynn St. Pierre joyfully presents developmental movement and music in the form of loving touch, hand gesture and large movement plays, singing in the mood of the fifth, and Spacial Dynamics® internationally at Waldorf teacher training centers, conferences, and schools.  As a certified trainer in the developmental movement and music created by Wilma Ellersiek, and a certified Spacial Dynamics® Teacher Trainer, she enjoys mentoring and bringing these potent tools to teachers and parents in these challenging times.  Lynn has offered Waldorf classes for toddlers, nursery, and kindergarten children.

Somer Serpe trained as an artist and teacher, earning her BFA degree at Parsons School of Design and her Masters in Waldorf Early Childhood Education at Sunbridge College. After teaching nursery and kindergarten at the Berkshire Waldorf School for 15 years, she founded and led a parent and child program for families with children from birth to 4. Somer was a WECAN Northeast Regional Representative and is the new EC Program Director for Sound Circle Center for Arts and Anthroposophy. She also serves as a mentor for teachers and schools and an inspirational coach for parents.

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