The Case for Going Outdoors All Winter

The pandemic has made a new case for winter outdoor activity. As British fellwalker, guidebook author and illustrator, Alfred Wainwright, said, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” It seems that many more are willing to embrace this motto now that indoor activities are curtailed. 

News coverage ranges from The New York Times recommending snow play for the long winter season of the Northeast to The Guardian encouraging its citizens to appreciate walking in the winter rain. 

Of course, as Wainwright says, the gear must be appropriate, and there are lots of experts to consult including dogsled musher, Blair Braverman, from Northern Wisconsin. She tells NPR the key to layering is to create an air bubble of warmth with a wind resistant outer layer. 

Good shoes are also key. Braverman says, “Your shoes have two goals: adding bulk around your feet, and insulating them from the cold ground. If you’re buying new winter boots, size up so they fit with extra insoles. I like to add a 13mm wool insole. Then—and this is key—take out the insoles after every time you wear the boots so they can dry fully.”

Read the articles for more tips and inspiration:

Yes Your Kids Can Play Outside All Winter– The New York Times
Dreading winter Lockdown? Learn to love walking in the rain – The Guardian
Cold Weather Out Keeping You In? 4 Pro Tips on Staying Warm – NPR

Photo Credit: Minnesota Waldorf School

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