Congratulations to Green Ribbon Waldorf Schools

Tamarack Waldorf School in Milwaukee has become a U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School and now joins the following Waldorf schools who have already won this honor: City of Lakes Waldorf School,Minneapolis, MN; Maple Village Waldorf School, Long Beach, CA; Portland Waldorf School, Portland OR; Urban Prairie Waldorf School, Chicago, IL.

The Green Ribbon program is awarded to schools that have made progress in three key areas: reducing environmental impacts and costs, improving health and wellness and increasing environmental literacy. Waldorf schools interested in becoming a Green Ribbon School should contact their state education agency to apply for / request nomination. 

The U.S. Department of Education shares this about Tamarack Waldorf School’s win in their publication, Highlights From The 2023 Honorees.

“Tamarack Waldorf School has improved the efficiency of its 1919 building by upgrading to LED lights, installing water bottle filling stations, adding low-flow toilets and automatic sensors to conserve water, closely monitoring energy and water usage, and creating a routine to turn off lights and close windows when classes are held outside instead of indoors. 

Additionally, the school strives to improve IAQ by preventing exposure to asthma triggers and using higher quality, low chemical supplies for cleaning as well as natural supplies for students to use. Each classroom has a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) purifier; the school is inspected monthly for pests; and the facilities committee conducts, at a minimum, an annual walk-through to inspect the school for mold and other maintenance needs. The whole school has an active role in recycling, reducing waste, reusing items, and composting. 

Tamarack Waldorf School involves the students’ families in sustainability by encouraging families to use reusable lunch containers and water bottles, contribute to a clothing and outdoor gear swap, volunteer to be on the school’s Green Team, and participate in a monthly parent/child nature class. Future strategic plans for the school include reinstating the farm-to-school program and building an environmentally sustainable building and green spaces.”

Learn more about U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools 

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