Waldorf Practical Arts Training – Module #5
Waldorf Practical Arts Training – Module #5
When: 02/17/2025 - 02/22/2025 Pacific Time
Where: Online and In Person (Costa Mesa, CA)
Sponsoring Organization: WPAT/Waldorf Institute of Southern California
Module #5 with Jack Bryant, Mona Lewis and Terra Malmstrom
The Anthroposophy study portion of module #4 continues our study on the Core Principle #5 Methodology of Teaching.
Hard Crafts: In module #5, we explore eighth grade curriculum and build a simple wooden stool.
Soft Crafts: In module #5 we cover 5th grade knitting! We will knit socks, hats and more!
Course Fee: $710 (not including materials fee)
Online and in person: Waldorf School of Orange County
2350 Canyon Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92627